Volunteering on Lesvos (2016)
In 2016, aged 20, I used my gap year to spend 3 months on the Greek Island of Lesvos. The refugee crisis had already peaked one year earlier, with over half a million of desperate people landing on Lesvos alone. Moved deeply by their fates, and furious about many Europeans‘ reluctance to welcome our fellow humans who had already suffered enough, I went to see the situation for myself and to help however I could.
Self-organised and helping out these two organisations:
My work
At the core of my stay was a blog I wrote to raise awareness in my community. Also, I produced a number of videos for a charity called LATRA. As blogging started to take too much of my time (and simultaneously, my computer died), I focused my final weeks on helping in No Border Kitchen.

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© Nicola Bossard, 2024